Graduates of the Department of Electronic Engineering are professionals with the following characteristics:
- They have attitudes and ethical values that allow them to act appropriately in their work and social field, in a cooperative and collaborative form.
- They can incorporate into the productive sector, developing activities related to Electronic Engineering or related fields.
- They have the knowledge necessary to pass a Final General Examination or to start a master degree and/or P.H.D. in science or engineering.
- They can establish their own business, because they have the fundamental knowledge in this area.
- They are able to build complete Hardware-Software systems, through knowledge synthesis and integration of modular systems, using new technologies.
Students of electronic engineering graduate with a creative and innovative vision. They are capable of designing electronic devices, offering preventive or corrective maintenance service, and working with problems which require specialized knowledge and experience with both hardware and software.
Currently we have graduates working in well known companies such as The Federal Electricity Commission, TELMEX, CONDUMEX, SIEMENS, MOTOROLA, IBM, etc.