Grado académico
- Ingeniería en Computación
Línea de investigación actual
- Representación del Conocimiento
Últimas publicaciones
- Garcia, I., Pacheco, C. & Garcia, W. Defining a Notation for Creating and Tailoring Reusable Processes to Develop Educational Software. IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering SE’2009. ISBN Hardcopy: 978-0-88986-785-7, CD: 978-0-88986-786-4 Innsbruck, Austria. 17 y 18 de Febrero, 2009
- Garcia, I., Pacheco, C. & Garcia, W. A Cooperative Application to Improve the Educational Software Design Using Re-usable Processes. International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering CDVE 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5738. ISSN 1405-5546. Pags 93 – 100 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg